Monday, January 9, 2017

Your POP account will transfer to Marvel on 13th January 2017 

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Hello shpoffo1.home-excellence! 


We emailed you a few weeks ago letting you know the exciting news that POP is joining Marvel.


You're now just one week away from accessing your projects along with tons of new design and prototyping features on Marvel.


Your POP account will be transferred to Marvel starting on Friday 13th at 7pm GMT.


The transfer will take approximate 72 hours to complete during which time POP will be unavailable. Full access will be resumed on Monday 16th.


If you are using POP without an account, please make sure you sign up and sync your work before the transfer begins.

For news and updates follow us on Twitter @marvelapp or Facebook. Feel free to fire us any questions!


We can't wait to see what you create on Marvel!  


Happy prototyping!


- The POP Team




You received this email because you are a user of the prototyping platform app and website POP.
