Friday, January 11, 2008

Entryway Maintenance

The color of baseboards and lower walls in the entry should be considered in any home.  White, or a pastel, is commonly laid down in home design, yet this color range is easily marred by the black rubber of shoe soles.  

Since having guests should be encouraged, those endeavoring to keep a white entryway must also take with it the costs of regular repainting or resurfacing.  Since cleanliness is the sharing of excellence, this is a wonderful treat for yourself, your family, and guests. 

Those without the capacity to keep white entry surfaces clean would do well to seek a different color for their foyer.  If you're renting and can't work with your homeowner (pity for them) then you can at least lay down a long carpet or runner in the entryway to pick up dirt and manage the scuffing.  The carpet can then move with you, and develops your sense of style.  The clever person in this place may also think to use a dark, tastefully subdued, and well-cut contact paper to cover the baseboards in coordination with the carpet / runner.  

Happy Home



Our domestic space is the essence of our heart and mind, yet we so often move through our chores with little real consideration.  Imagine - simple consideration is all we need to have each moment be an opportunity to change ourself, our space, and all those that come to it.  

These posts will presents facets of the home, our most personal and identifying space.  The collection of them will be an index of significant dimensions of our life in our homes.